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Bacterial infections have to be treated the sooner, the better. One of the best ways to kill harmful bacteria is to use antibiotics. Ornidazole is one of the most popular treatments for certain conditions, with doses, reactions, and side effects very individual. We tried to combine all common knowledge on the topic to provide you with a full guide into the uses of Ornidazole.

1. What Is Ornidazole

Ornidazole is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of protozoal infections and other diseases connected to dysentery, pelvic inflammation, and diarrhea. Ornidazole’s indications would include inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, etc., if it was caused by parasites.

It’s often used with Ofloxacin as a combined treatment for any gastrointestinal, lung, urinary, and gynecological infection caused by parasitic organisms.

2. Uses of Ornidazole


Ornidazole tablets 500mgOrnidazole use is effective in most kinds of parasitic and bacterial infections.

The most popular type is a 500mg tablet. It stops the development and growth of harmful bacteria. The symptoms usually disappear pretty quickly due to the clear purpose of the drug. However, you should continue the treatment for as long as your doctor prescribed the medicine.

If you don’t, bacteria may become resistant, and the medical specialist will have to prescribe another drug.

Ornidazole and Ofloxacin are often used in one treatment duration. Both drugs are antibiotics and aid in the removal of parasitic organisms and bacteria from your body. Ornidazole affects the DNA of the organisms, while Ofloxacin prevents the cells from recovering, killing parasites completely.

2.1. Amebiasis

Ornidazole tablets are used to cure amebiasis. This is an intestinal infection caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Many people don’t experience the symptoms of the disease early on, which makes it more difficult to cure it. However, antibiotics like Ornidazole and Ofloxacin are used commonly in such cases, and the results are satisfying.

2.2. Amoebic Dysentery

Ornidazole is an effective drug for amoebic dysentery treatment. Common side effects in such a case are nausea and vomiting. Your doctor may also prescribe secnidazole, tinidazole, or metronidazole instead.

2.3. Giardiasis

Giardiasis is an easily-spread infection, humans and animals get from eating contaminated food, interacting with people who have the condition, and contacting ill pets. The culprit is Giardia lamblia, which Ornidazole copes with effectively.

There was research where Ornidazole or Tinidazole were prescribed to 100 people with the condition. After 2-3 days, Giardia lamblia disappeared in all patients, and 98 people had improvement in symptoms within 5 days.

2.4. Trichomoniasis

Ornidazole is also effective in Trichomoniasis; however, 20 women who took the drug as a part of a study had some mild side effects. It’s difficult to avoid them, given it’s an antibiotic. All patients were cured of the condition.

2.5. Anaerobic Bacterial Infections

Ornidazole is effective as a treatment for wound infections and other bacterial illnesses. The rate of appendix removal wound infection in patients taking Ornidazole is only 7.1%.

3. How to Use Tablets

Ornidazole in gel form can also be used, but mostly for gum inflammations.

In bacterial infections, it’s usually used in tablet form.

The Ornidazole mechanism of action is focused on damaging the DNA of the parasites that have to be killed. Protein synthesis is poor or absent as a result, which leads to the curing of the condition.

The dose and course duration are strictly decided by your doctor, depending on:

  • The severity of your condition;
  • Pre-existing conditions;
  • Allergies;
  • Age and weight, etc.

Usually, it’s one Ornidazole tablet (500mg) taken with food. You have to swallow it like any other pill without chewing or crushing it, adding to the food. The dosage may be compromised this way, leading to unsatisfactory results.

Here are some facts you need to know:

  • Dose adjustment is recommended if the patient is a child weighing less than 35kg;
  • The duration of treatment is anywhere from 1 to 10 days, depending on the severity and type of condition;
  • Dose adjustment is recommended if the patient has hemodialysis;
  • If you’re having surgery, Ornidazole may be prescribed 12 hours before the operation, as well as 3-5 day treatment after it.

Ornidazole dosage for children is calculated according to the body weight. 25-40mg per 1kg of weight, depending on the condition, is the common estimation.

It’s recommended to take the tablets at the same time every day. If you don’t have any access to food at the moment, an upset stomach will be the most likely side effect.

4. Interactions with Other Substances

Before taking Ornidazole in tablets, you should tell your doctor about any other drugs you’re taking, allergies, other medical conditions you’re curing or cured before, etc.

4.1. With Other Drugs

Drug interactions depend on the patient and many factors mentioned in their medical card. Individual sensitivity, type of condition, even diet may cause interaction. If you notice any unusual side effects and you’re taking Ornidazole with other medications, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that the drug interacts with Warfarin and other anticoagulants, as well as with Vecuronium (a part of general anesthesia). Whatever drugs you’re taking, even occasionally, make sure your doctor knows about them.

The medicine can increase the therapeutic effect of a number of drugs. You can find more information on Ornidazole interaction with other drugs here or refer to the table below.

Ornidazole drug interaction

4.2. With Alcohol

Ornidazole may interact with alcohol, so it’s not recommended to drink it during the course of treatment and about 3 days after you finish it.

Taking alcohol-containing drugs with Ornidazole is also not recommended. Some patients may have a reaction similar to the one to Disulfiram. This is a drug used in the treatment of chronic alcoholism. It causes increased sensitivity to ethanol, which is, in fact, the alcohol people usually drink.

Basically, even if you drink a little, the effects may be massive. Nausea, vomiting, severe dehydration, headache, etc., are a part of this side effect.

5. Side Effects of Ornidazole


Side Effects of OrnidazoleSide effects are inevitable when you’re taking antibiotics. This depends on the other drugs you’re taking, medical history, harmful habits, and more.

5.1. Headache

Headache is the most common side effect. During the treatment, your body goes through a lot of stress.

5.2. Sleeplessness

Some people experience sleep impairment during the course of Ornidazole treatment.

5.3. Dizziness

Dizziness is another common side effect. To avoid it, it’s recommended to take the tablets at the same time every day. If you can’t coordinate your body well and feel like the side effect is getting more serious, contact your doctor.

5.4. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain, along with nausea and vomiting, is common, especially in patients who take Ornidazole on an empty stomach. Supporting side effects may also be skin reactions and taste disturbances.

Most patients go through treatment without harsh side effects. So, if you have a headache, stomach ache, or other unwanted effects that actually disturb you, call your doctor right away.

More serious side effects like vertigo, tremor, constant tiredness, tingling in toes and/or fingers may need additional treatment. If you can’t reach your doctor, call emergency services or poison control.

Ornidazole may cause seizures and loss of consciousness, so make sure people you live with or see every day are familiar with your situation and have proper phone numbers ready.

An allergic reaction may be another side effect. If you feel swelling, rash, itching on your throat, mouth, lips, face, etc., in several minutes, it might be difficult to breathe. In this case, you need a hypoallergenic shot and attention from emergency services.

Don’t be alarmed by such an extensive list of side effects. It’s based on thousands of cases, in which only 10, for example, may encounter the problem. However, it’s wise to tell your doctor about any inconveniences you have during the course of treatment.

6. Usage Safety Advices

By following these recommendations, you will prevent the majority of side effects and other problems connected with antibiotic treatment.

6.1. Pregnancy

The use of Ornidazole for pregnant women isn’t recommended. Your doctor may prescribe it only if the benefits of the drug are more valuable than the potential risk for the mother-to-be and the fetus.

There’s little information about the harmful effects of the medication on humans. However, animal studies have shown danger for the baby. Always consult a doctor before taking any antibiotics.

6.2. Breast-feeding

Consult your doctor if you want to take Ornidazole to treat a bacterial infection. There’s no information on whether the drug passes through the milk to the baby. But precautions need to be taken to make sure both the mother and the child are safe.

6.3. Renal/Hepatic Impairment

It’s safe to take Ornidazole if you have a renal or hepatic impairment, but only if your doctor knows about the condition and still prescribes the drug. A dose adjustment may be necessary for such patients, but this isn’t guaranteed. Your doctor should be able to prescribe sufficient dosage for your quick recovery without severe side effects.

If you have a hepatic impairment, the dose adjustment may be different if needed because the drugs are processed by the liver as well. To avoid buildup and other issues during the treatment course, always talk to your doctor about pre-existing conditions you have.

6.4. Epilepsy

It’s possible to use Ornidazole as a treatment in patients with epilepsy, but only if the doctor prescribes it. Side effects of the drug include seizures, which is a red flag for people with epilepsy.

Another precaution is driving or using any kind of machinery. The medicine may cause dizziness and poor coordination, so you don’t want to drive or operate appliances during the course of treatment.

7. What Can I Take Instead of Ornidazole

Metronidazole is a similar antibiotic, which is also used in the treatment of protozoal diseases. Most medical specialists vote in favor of Ornidazole, though, due to its advantages. First of all, it has a longer half-life. The side effect list is also shorter, which opens more possibilities for treatment and dosage.

This study is a great example, proving that the two medications are interchangeable. However, it’s strictly not recommended to change your treatment without consulting a doctor first.

Don’t try to prescribe antibiotics yourself if you don’t have a medical license. A professional should study your symptoms and medical history before creating a treatment complex that will cure the condition safely and effectively.

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