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Luzu Cream (Luliconazole)

The human body is a unique mechanism created by nature. As with any mechanism, your health also needs to be looked after, treat well and immediately healed if there is such need.

Often people are negligent in relation to the state of the largest organ in the human body – the skin. In essence, the skin is a unique organ not only because of its largest size, but also because of its functionality – the skin protects the body, organs, bones, i.e. all components of a person, and also gives a signal when problems arise with any organ, or when the body is attacked by parasites or infections. One of the most common skin conditions occurs due to a wide variety of types of fungi.

Many specialists, in the event of such skin problems, offer their patients in this case the following remedy – Luzu (Luliconazole).

What is this remedy?

Luzu – is an antifungal drug that fights infections caused by fungus.Luzu cream

What does Luzu cream treat?

Luzu Cream is used for adults to treat athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris) and ringworm (tinea corporis). Luzu cream may also be used for purposes not mentioned above.

Luzu Cream contains Luliconazole as an active ingredient. It is mostly available and used in cream form.

You can’t take the Luzu cream internally. Luzu is for use on the skin only. If it happened to get into your mouth or eyes immediately rinse with water and consult a doctor.

To treat your disease you need to apply Luzu Cream to affected areas and adjacent skin once a day for at least 1 week. You need to apply only a thin layer of the medication to the affected area. Spread the medicine to nearby skin about 1 inch from all sides of the affected areas because the infection might be spread more than you see. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying this medication not to let it get to your eyes, nose or into your mouth.

This medicine is one-person use, even if they have the same symptoms that you have.

Why can’t you share it with another person?

That’s easy to explain. If you share this cream with someone else you or that person might exchange bacteria that cause this or that skin disease without even realizing it. It means that you might make your problem even worse though you use this cream to treat the disease. If you want Luzu Cream treat you disease at its top abilities than store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

Luzu for athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)

One of the most frequent situations to use this cream is the athlete’s foot.

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes. It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight fitting shoes. To treat the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) apply Luzu cream to affected area of the toes and the nearest skin to it once a day during two weeks.

Luzu for jock itch (tinea cruris)

After the athlete’s foot another most spread diseases are the jock itch and ringworm.

Jock itch (tinea cruris) is a fungal infection that causes a red and itchy rash in warm and moist areas of the body. The rash often affects the groin and inner thighs and may be shaped like a ring.

Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is a rash caused by a fungal infection. It’s usually a red, itchy, circular rash with clearer skin in the middle. Ringworm gets its name because of its appearance. No worm is involved. Ringworm of the body is related to athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris) and ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis). Ringworm often spreads by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or animal. That’s why you’ve better follow the rule ‘one-person use’!

The treatment resembles the previous case. Apply cream to the affected area and nearest 1 inch of skin to prevent spreading. It might take around 1 week to heal the skin.

The safety and effectiveness of LUZU Cream, 1% in pediatric patients 12 to <18 years of age with athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)  and jock itch (tinea cruris) have been established by evidence from well-controlled trials in adult and pediatric subjects and a pharmacokinetic (PK) study in pediatric subjects

The safety and effectiveness of LUZU Cream, 1% in pediatric patients 2 to <18 years of age with ringworm of the body (tinea corporis)  have been established by evidence from a well-controlled trial in pediatric subjects 

Of the total number of subjects in clinical studies of LUZU Cream, 1%, 8% were 65 and over, while 1.4% were 75 and over. No overall differences in safety or effectiveness were observed between these subjects and younger subjects, and other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity of some older individuals cannot be ruled out.

Luliconazole and ketoconazole

1% topical luliconazole was more effective than 2% topical ketoconazole in athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)  and jock itch (tinea cruris)  patients on 2 weeks of treatment. 

Luliconazole and salicylic acid

Can you use salicylic acid to get rid of ringworm? Technically, the answer is “probably.” But salicylic acid has some antifungal properties, and ringworm is caused by a fungus. So the idea has some merit. However, used topically, salicylic acid is generally used to remove warts and callouses by turning them into a soft plug of what used to be skin that can be easily rubbed away. Warts and callouses cause an extreme thickness in the skin, so breaking down most of it and washing it away is desirable.

Ringworm, by contrast, is breaking down your skin. If you use a drug that breaks down skin on an area of your body where the normal (thin) skin has already been damaged, the results will most likely be painful. You’ll be breaking down already damaged skin more quickly than you’ll be inhibiting fungal growth.

Given that other drugs are stronger at fighting ringworm and lack that unpleasant side effect, as for the luliconazole which is a part Of Luzu cream it affects the affected area deeper, so it helps to heal everything more efficient

Luliconazole during pregnancy

There are no available data with LUZU Cream, 1% use in pregnant women to inform a drug-associated risk for major birth defects and miscarriage. In animal reproduction studies with pregnant rats and rabbits, there were no adverse developmental effects observed with subcutaneous administration of luliconazole during organogenesis at doses up to 3 and 24 times, respectively, the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD)

The background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown. All pregnancies have a background risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2 to 4% and 15 to 20%, respectively.

All in all, the effectiveness of Luzu Cream is proved by many experiences, it gives a good result just in one week. Considering the pregnancy, the patient is better to consult the doctor before treating the affected area. And don’t forget that it’s better not to share this cream with anyone even if this person is a part of your family, don’t make your disease worse, use it to treat the problem quickly and effective.

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