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How Is Chronic Bronchitis Treated?

Chronic bronchitis can usually be effectively treated with antibiotics.

Working With Your Healthcare Professional

When you visit your healthcare professional, he or she will ask you about your symptoms before diagnosing the condition and conducting any tests. Are you coughing up mucus? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you have difficulty breathing? Does your chest feel tight? It’s also important for you to ask your healthcare professional questions, to talk about the things that worry you the most.

Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Professional …

  • Would an antibiotic, such as LEVAQUIN, help my bronchial infection?
  • What can I do so I don’t feel so short of breath all the time?
  • Can you help me to quit smoking?
  • What can I do to ease my congestion?
  • How often should I have a chest x-ray?
  • Do I need a flu shot?

You’ll also want to make sure that you don’t leave your healthcare professional’s office without knowing what steps to take next.

Did Your Healthcare Professional Tell You …

  • What tests you will have to undergo.
  • Your treatment plan (medication, diet and exercise).
  • The possible side effects of the antibiotic your healthcare professional has prescribed.
  • What dietary or lifestyle changes you should consider.
  • What you can do to help protect yourself from respiratory infections.
  • What you can do to slow the progress of the condition.
  • How you will know if your treatment plan is working.

Protect Yourself From Chronic Bronchitis

If you have chronic bronchitis, the best treatment for the condition is maintaining good health habits. If you smoke, it is never too late to stop. Tobacco smoking (cigarettes, cigars and pipes) is a direct cause of chronic bronchitis. Patients with chronic bronchitis who continue to smoke will suffer a rapid progression of the disease. Giving up smoking can actually lead to a slight improvement in one’s ability to fight the condition and lead a normal life. If quitting is difficult for you, you may want to ask you healthcare professional about a smoking cessation program or other alternatives. Here are some other steps you can take to prevent the severity of chronic bronchitis attacks:

  • Avoid second-hand smoke.
  • Eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water.
  • Avoid fumes, polluted air, strong odors and dusty working conditions.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
  • Add moisture to the air with a vaporizer or humidifier.
  • Avoid exposure to airborne irritants, such as hairspray or other aerosol products.
  • Correct dampness problems that promote mold and mildew growth.

Protect Yourself From Chronic Bronchitis

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