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Kemicetine Succinate Injection

What Kemicetine Succinate Injection is and what it is used fo

Kemicetine Succinate is an antibiotic used to treat severe infections such as typhoid and meningitis. It is also used when oral chloramphenicol cannot be used or when higher amounts of the medicine is needed in the blood.

Chloramphenicol prevents bacteria making an essential nutrient required for growth and multiplication. In time, the number of bacteria are reduced and the infection is controlled.

Before you are given Kemicetine Succinate Injection

Do not use Kemicetine Succinate Injection

  • If you have had an allergic reaction (e.g. rash, wheezing) to chloramphenicol before.
  • If you are pregnant, or are breast feeding.
  • Take special care with Kemicetine Succinate Injection:
  • If you have a history of kidney or liver disease.

Taking other medicines:

Please tell your doctor or pharmacist:

  • If you are taking any other medicines, in particular anticoagulants of the coumarin-type (to thin your blood or stop it clotting), antidiabetic agents (e.g. tolbutamide), anti-epileptic agents (e.g. phenytoin and phenobarbital) or rifampicin (an antibiotic).
  • If you have recently been vaccinated.


Do not have Kemicetine Succinate Injection if you are pregnant.

Breast feeding

Do not have Kemicetine Succinate Injection if you are breast feeding.

Driving and using machinery

No effect on the ability to drive or use machinery has been stated with Kemicetine Succinate Injection.

How Kemicetine Succinate Injection is given to you

Kemicetine Succinate will be made into a solution and be given to you by injection into a vein, or into a muscle under the direction of a medical practitioner. Your doctor will prescribe the required amount (the dose). The dose is decided by taking into account the severity of your condition.


The usual dosage for adults is; lg of chloramphenicol every 6-8 hours.


The usual dose for children is; 50 mg/kg of chloramphenicol every 6 hours (no more than this should be given); and 25 mg/kg in divided doses in new-born and premature infants.

The doctor may give you more in certain cases e.g. if you have septicaemia or meningitis (100 mg/kg/day), but should then be decreased as soon as appropriate. Your doctor will decide how long you need to be treated for.

During treatment your doctor will carry out blood tests to check that:

  • Your blood is functioning properly as Kemicetine Succinate Injection can damage your blood cells .
  • Your liver and kidneys are functioning properly as Kemicetine Succinate Injection may affect these organs.

Possible side effects

Like all medicines Kemicetine Succinate Injection will cause some effects in some people. The following may be noticed following treatment with Kemicetine Succinate Injection:

Please contact your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:

Severe allergic reaction e.g. red raised areas on your skin which may look like spots or be several inches across which itch.

  • Grey Syndrome – usually in new-born or premature infants, where the skin appears grey, and the infant is listless and weak
  • White blood cell counts (which fight infection) can also drop, increasing the chance of infections, bruising and fever . Anaemia (a low red blood cell count) that can leave you feeling tired and lethargic.

Other side effects may include:

  • Dry mouth,
  • Nausea (feeling sick), vomiting (being sick) and diarrhoea
  • Headache
  • Depression.
  • Inflammation or damage to the nerves causing numbness, tingling, pain or muscle weakness
  • Blurring, inflammation or temporary loss of vision
  • Chloramphenicol may slow down development of immunity, and you may develop infections more frequently, which are difficult to fight off.
  • Thrush (a fungal infection of the mouth or vagina)

If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

How to store Kemicetine Succinate Injection

Before purchase Chloramphenicol sodium succinate, you must read how to store

Your medicine should not be used after the expiry date given on the vial.

Keep container in the outer carton. Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Further information

What Kemicetine Succinate Injection contains

The active substance is Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate. There are no other ingredients found in Kemicetine Succinate Injection.

What Kemicetine Succinate Injection looks like and contents of the pack

Kemicetine Succinate Injection is available as single glass vials. Each vial contains a freeze-dried powder containing the equivalent of 1 g chloramphenicol.

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